Assalammualaikum semua,
Entri kali ini tentang Nuffnang yang membalas surat saya tentang keahlian Glitterati saya.Ini suratnya.Patutlah Nuffnang berbuat begini padaku.huhu~!Tolong jangan jadi macam saya.
Hi Kartina,
Glitterati membership is an automated process. It's given automatically to a blogger's account if all his/her blog(s) registered with us serve Nuffnang ads publicly at all times and none from our competitors. In addition to that, the registered blog(s) should also be active and has at least 1 visitor in each day or else our crawler will mark it as a spam blog and this will affect your membership status. Should your blog be free from any conflicting activities, you'll receive your Glitterati membership in 4 days time.
Your status is affected because your blog does not have Nuffnang ads and has campaigns from Youthsays. Kindly insert Nuffnang ads in all blogs and remove all competitors' campaigns from all blogs and you'll be Glitterati in due time.
Robb Chew
Blogger Relations Executive
Nuffnang Sdn Bhd
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